Updates to Visual Studio courses

By Quanta Training Limited
schedule17th Jun 15

As the user becomes more discerning in this fast-moving technological world, delivering a seamless and quick user experience remains at the centre of all application development. As a result, we have updated two of our Visual Studio courses to accommodate this evolving landscape.

ASP.NET Web Forms is the technology that Microsoft have promoted for over 10 years now. It’s a typical Microsoft product – quick and easy to learn, with a mountain of software and infrastructure already written for you. Within a few hours you can create fully functioning, professional-looking websites. This Quanta course takes you through all the basics of Web Forms, plus covers the web essentials of State Management – Cookies, Session, ViewState, ControlState and Cross-page PostBack. This course is ideal for anyone just starting out on the journey to become a top web developer.

Creating web apps - The old web forms technology has pros and cons. The good side is that web forms apps are quick to write. The down side is that web forms are not as fast, flexible or maintainable as many organisations require. Hence Microsoft now offer an alternative approach, using MVC, Entity Framework, LINQ and jQuery. Although Microsoft have had an MVC/EF offering for years, it’s not until MVC 5 and EF6 that the technology has really come of age. The downside of MVC and EF? It’s much more difficult to learn and master! Come on a Quanta course, and we’ll help you make sense of the whole thing and send you back to work fully primed and ready to create slick, compelling modern web apps.

If you're not sure which course is suitable for you, take a look at the recommended course track to identify which courses lead on from one another. Find out more about Visual Studio at Quanta.